Is it worthwhile to invest in the machine?

Yes. Decentralized waste management represents enormous environmental savings compared to centralized management, and the economic cost is the same or even less. In situations where the distances that waste trucks have to travel are long, decentralized management can cost less than half what centralized management cost.

With regard to environmental profitability, the use of the machine reduces the carbon trace and the emission of CO² from both the combustion of waste in the plant as well as the trucks necessary for transportation. If we take into account that the collection of organic waste is usually daily, the presetting machine offers the possibility of collecting the waste once a month, with the environmental and economic savings that this implies.

In addition, betting on decentralized waste management generates indirect but very relevant benefits like the promotion of local agriculture through the offer of composting ( low cost / free) for farmers.

What kind of waste can be used?

All organic kitchen waste, including meat and fish, with the exception of thick bones.

Is it odorless free?

Yes. The machine incorporates a population of thermophilic microorganisms that decompose organic matter together with a biofilter that avoid unpleasant odors.

Is the process hygienic?

Yes. The sanitizing cycle of the machine complies with health regulations and allows the elimination of possible pathogens.

Can you put us in contact with local farmers to start the project?

Yes. We offers you searching local farmers who want to participate in the project and we facilitate the connection between them and the waste producer.

We have our own or nearby garden willing to collaborate. Is it enough to articulate the project?

Yes, if you have the appropriate (minimum) amount of waste. If not, we can help you find a waste supplier that can supply you.

Can you tell us what is the difference between precompost and compost?

The product coming out of the machine looks like compost because it is dark in color and earthy, but in reality the organic matter is not ready for compost yet. We could say that it still needs to mature a little more. Once the machine process is finished, this material is introduced into a compost pile (small container designed to store compost) and the compost is reactivated, resuming the maturation process that had been interrupted (stabilized) with use of the machine. This precomposting process allows flexibility regarding the collection of the waste that comes out of the machine, since once it is treated it can last perfectly for two months until the farmer takes it and finishes the maturation process in his farm.

Can the precompost generated by the machine be used directly as organic compost?

No. If you use the precompost that comes directly from the machine to fertilize the crops you are putting the quality of the soil at risk, because the high nutrient content of the precompost can overload the soil. It is preferable to mature it in the precompost piles before applying it.

What electricity consumption does the machine have?

The machine has a maximum power of 1.5 Kw, like a hair dryer, but it does not work continuously. Consumption depends on the good management that is made of it but, on average, we are talking about 0.3 kW for each Kg of waste.

Is the ecological trace of the machine positive?

Yes. If electricity is used, the level of environmental impact generated by this consumption is much lower than the impact of CO² emissions generated by centralized transport. If, in addition, we use solar panels, the improvement is already excellent.

How much does the machine cost and what purchase / rental options do you offer?

The machine that handles 35-40 kg of waste per day costs around 12,000 euros. Tarpuna offers the possibility of making the payment in installments or renting the machine to facilitate its acquisition.